If you fail to make a payment on time you will be charged a late payment fee and an additional fee of if it isn't paid within the next week. All purchases are subject to Afterpay's approval. AfterPay is available to anyone over 18 years of age and an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
The funds for the first payment will need to be available on the card at the time of checkout. If you are a new Afterpay customer - the first payment will be deducted at checkout. If you are an existing Afterpay customer, the first payment won't be deducted for 14 days.
If you wish to return your item(s), simply place your return by following our normal process and you will be refunded to your Afterpay account.
Standard Returns Policy applies.
For frequently asked questions about Afterpay please see here
To see Afterpay’s complete terms, visit http://www.afterpay.com.au/term
KEY FEATURES• No interest, ever
• Nothing to pay today
• Flexible repayments - pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly
• Shop without a credit card